put/place someone/something on standby: Falconer has been put on standby for the European Championships. Synonyms and related words +-Available and to be, or to become available. Now that we are observing the signs of the times and we are watching so closely the blooming fig tree, now that we understand that Israel is Your time [...] table - and time is short - now th a t by Your g r ac e we have received a clear revelation of what Israel is all about, now that we look into our own heart and realize that time with Trumpet will truly revive us as well as the Jewish people. to adhere to (an agreement, promise, etc. to … on standby Definitions and Synonyms. DEFINITIONS 3. Ben E. King Stand By Me BPM : 120 Capo : II [Verse 1] G G Em Em When the night has come and the land is da- rk C D G G And the mo- on is the on- ly light we'll see G G Em Em No I wo- … We want to work together with you so you will be full of joy, for it is by your own faith that you stand firm. ); affirm: She stood by her decision despite her sister's arguments. [ approval ] I wouldn't break the law for a friend, but I would stand by her if she did. Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm. The troops are on standby and can return at a moment ’s notice. If you stand by someone, you continue to give them support, especially when they are in trouble. If you're describing the Standby mode in a computer, it should always begin with a capital "S." If you're using the word as a verb, you should be using "stand by.". Should I use "standby" or "stand by" in my writing? stand by, to uphold; support: She stood by him whenever he was in trouble. As an example, the sentence "For your computer to enter stand by … … phrase. When using the word as an adjective, adverb, or noun in your writing, you should use "standby" as one word. New Living Translation But that does not mean we want to dominate you by telling you how to put your faith into practice. 1. available to be used if needed in a particular situation.

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