I want this billing to be finished. ADOBE *ACROPRO SUBS 8008336687 CA Ref #8229 danielg21824485. I keep getting billed to my CC with this as the line item. I have checked all the different accounts that I manage, and this CC is no longer listed. Re: CANCELLATION OF ADOBE ACROPRO SUBS 800-833-6687IE. posted 06/21/2017 by Don Wilson. Lothar Zacharias. ADOBE ACROPRO SUBS / 044-207-3650 I hereby cancel my subscription on cam4.com I have already quit on the site. During that time, you can continue to launch Lightroom to download your original files from our cloud services. Found on Pakistan, Belarus and Belarus. Adobe will continue to store your original images for one year after your membership lapses. Please stop billing this CC. They were not speaking English - and failed to say it was $14.99 per month. Relevant information about ADOBE-ACROPRO-SUBS-800-833-668 credit card charge. Copy link to clipboard. Copied. Then some person convinced me to buy this plan, and said it only cost $14.99. Also I ask no more amounts from my Visa card abzubuchen. I had a great plan that cost $39 which allowed me to convert a PDF to a word document. Helpful (23) Not So Much (7) We know what the charge is - I would like to talk to someone about changing the credit card our monthly fee is charged on. Mar 14, 2019. Charges on my credit card from Adobe *Acropro Subs San Jose and I want to why .
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