Graduates of classics or archaeology departments may apply directly for a master’s degree. Given that this library was considered a genuine rival to the Great Library of Alexandria, it is most likely that the latter held around 40-50,000 scrolls at its height, containing a smaller number of works overall given that ancient works usually took up more than one scroll. 商品説明 当オークションをご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます。【商品詳細】こちらはPower9にも匹敵する強力カード、Library of Alexandriaのアートプリントになります。 The founding of the Library of Alexandria, actually two or more libraries, is obscure. It has been estimated that at one time the Library of Alexandria held over half a million documents from Assyria, Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and many other nations. Introduction The Library of Alexandrina is a major library and cultural center, built in commemoration of the largest library of antiquity. The Library of Alexandria by architect Kjetil Thorsen was built in El Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt in 1995-2002. Just drag the mouse to the direction you want to look. Over 100 scholars lived at the Museum full time to perform research, write, lecture or translate and copy documents. Use the scroll wheel to zoom at the details. The library was so large it actually had another branch or "daughter" library at the Temple of Serapis. The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies was established as a joint collaboration between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Onassis Foundation, the Vardinoyannis Foundation, and the Alexandria University. The Royal Library of Alexandria was once the largest library in the world. It is believed that around 295 BCE, the scholar and orator Demetrius of Phalerum, an exiled governor of Athens, convinced Ptolemy I Soter to establish the Library.Demetrius envisioned a library that would house a copy of every book in the world, an institution to rival those of Athens itself. It was a major library and cultural center located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. Press F9 to get a list of the 3D sites you downloaded (residing in the same directory). Library of Alexandria virtual tour can be started by clicking the preview window or by downloading the stand-alone version. To install the listed sites as a screensaver press F5.
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