The school has a 46% acceptance rate ranking it #33 in New York for lowest rate of acceptance.Last year, 21,313 out of 46,308 applicants were admitted making Fordham a more competitive school to get into with a good chance of acceptance for qualifying applicants. How hard is it to get into Fordham and can I get accepted? Find the average SAT/ACT scores, acceptance rate, and your chances of getting in at Check out the Fordham University acceptance rate, average SAT and ACT scores and other admission statistics. Students can compare College and University transfer information before changing colleges, switching majors or transfer courses. Acceptance Rate at Fordham University. The entering class stats can help you find out your chances of being accepted. #24 in Median LSAT Detailed Info on Fordham University Reviews, Financial Aid, Admissions, FAFSA/Federal School Code, Acceptance Rate, Campus Life, Scholarships for 2018-2019. With approximately 20,000 students admitted among 44,700 applicants, the acceptance rate in Fordham University is fairly competitive at 45%. Fordham University is a Private, 4 Year college located in Bronx, NY. Fordham Law ranks #22 in terms of student selectivity with an acceptance rate of 25.9% among those who applied for admission. This is Transfer and Admissions Information for Fordham University. #22 in Acceptance Rate. If you are a prospective applicant, I highly suggest that you keep your grades up in … A prominent New York City school known for its business education, Fordham University is a Jesuit institution with campuses in the Bronx, Manhattan and Westchester County, NY. Fordham Law is tied for #21 in terms of median starting salary among graduates working in government jobs or judicial clerkships at the federal or state level ($61,250).

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