Definition of Too much information! What does Too much information! What does too much information mean? in the Idioms Dictionary. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. An expression of exasperation and disgust when a person is divulging personal details of his sex life, toilet habits, or anything the listener finds disgusting, uninteresting, and unwelcome. too much information An expression indicating that someone has revealed information that is too personal and made the listener or reader uncomfortable. Common with Internet forums to introduce an expansion of a short answer with additional information that may be "more than you ever wanted to know". It is a hint that the following information can be ignored if the short answer was … Meaning of too much information. Information and translations of too much information in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What does Too much information! expression mean? expression mean? Definition of too much information in the dictionary. Too much information! too much information (Interjection) An expression indicating that someone has revealed information that is too personal and made the listener or reader uncomfortable. phrase.

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