Contracts that were mutually entered into between parties with the capacity to contract are binding obligations and may not be set aside due to the caprice of one party or the other unless a statute provides to the contrary. But at a recent seminar in Europe, one of the participants said that under the law of a country that has now slipped my mind (Portugal? The contract entered into between SFORZIN ILLUMINAZIONE and the customer is to be considered concluded with the acceptance, even if only partial, of the order by SFORZIN ILLUMINAZIONE. Upon reaching the age of majority, the minor may choose to disaffirm the contract they were entered into while in the minority. Italy? A contract, once formed, does not contemplate a right of a party to reject it. 28 A concordat has been entered into by the DH and the telehealth and telecare industry to work together to accelerate the use of TM. I’d like to know more about that or any other circumstances where it makes sense to state where the contract is being entered into. In order to combat speculative or artificial practices in relation to issue of import authorisation, it is considered appropriate to limit individual applications to the amount stated in the relevant contract entered into between the importer and exporter; as well as to limit the validity of the import authorisations to three months. In this situation, the contract can be made void if you are able to prove the contract was: profoundly different to what you and the other party had discussed; and; entered into because of some special disadvantage (disability, language barrier, age or health); or; entered into fraudulently by the other party as a way of inducing you into the agreement. Traduzioni in contesto per "contracts entered into" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: The contracts entered into are not limited in time. expenses resulting from contracts entered into with third parties. ), where the parties enter into a contract can have tax implications. 29 Thus far, seven pathfinder sites have agreed contracts with the industry to ensure that 100 000 people benefit from the technology in 2013. If they do not disaffirm the contract within a reasonable period of time, they are considered to have ratified the contract. Types of Contracts sowie Kosten, die sich aus Verträgen mit Dritten ergeben. The expenditure of the Agency shall include staff remuneration, administrative and infrastructure costs, and operating expenses as well as expenses resulting from contracts entered into with third parties.

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